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~Doing Rx Better~


Prescriptions are expensive...
but they don't have to be!

A subscription membership to the PivotRx Program provides you access to 1,000+ generic medications FOR FREE or at a significantly reduced cost.


Our network includes 68,000 pharmacies nationwide.


Work with a local pharmacy to receive better, more personalized care!


$0 Medications

Welcome to True Cost Transparency.

PivotRx is committed to providing you with a new way of buying prescriptions. We are the first line of defense for your prescription cost savings.


We give YOU the buying power!

  1. Look up the drugs you need

  2. Pick up prescriptions at your local pharmacy. Amazon delivery available at no additional cost!

  3. You pay $0*

​As simple as 123!




*$0 cost is for generic medications only. Not all generic medications are available at $0 cost.

This is NOT insurance. There is no reimbursement for medical expenses.  Brand Name and Specialty Drugs are excluded. The formulary is subject to change at any time and without notice. PivotRx is not a pharmacy. PivotRx does not diagnose, prescribe, or make any treatment recommendations.

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